The fibre, spinning, weaving and equipment determine the quality of our textiles. Fabric can be produced with a high quality or cheaply. Cotonea decides in favour of high quality!
This is Cotonea Further topicsAs early as 1995, we were able to use controlled organic cotton from a project in Israel. Since 2004 we have fixed contract partners in Central Asia, and since 2009 in Uganda. Since then we have been controlling the entire production chain beginning with the cotton fields and continuing with the spinning, weaving, refinement, manufacturing of clothes and other items and ending on the store shelf. Cotonea agrees on fixed prices with farmers for the necessary purchase quantity, including an organic premium, whereby we never pay below a minimum price - even during times of lower world market prices. A Fair Trade premium, which is paid to the cooperative, is also added.
This way farmers can count on fixed revenues right from the beginning. These revenues are invested in education and health and contribute to the development of the entire region. Continuous contractual relationships with fixed buyers support this development much more than short-term contracts. Last but not least: patience. Patience is required when we continue to search for even better partners and production methods. People work in the entire textile chain, and people make mistakes. We know that we may also make mistakes. But, with much patience, we strive to further improve.
Cotonea endeavours to provide benefits, to not do any harm and to improve people’s lives.
Find out moreElmer & Zweifel: manufacturers of the organic brand Cotonea with more than 160 years’ expertise in cotton.
Find out moreCotonea has been producing its own energy using hydropower since 1855 and its own solar energy since 2002.
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